So I started thinking….what can I do to celebrate my 50th Birthday.
Something that would be a fair challenge.
Something that maybe others could join in.
Something that could help me raise money for the charity that gloveglu supports in Cape Town- We Love Football Academy – where we teach Township kids life and football values.
And then I had the eureka moment………why not run 5k every day for 50 days to raise 5k…….5 for 50 for 5.
So thats what I intend to do.
Starting on Sunday 16th February 2020 the challenge will begin.
I will write a daily blog here about the experience, the highs and lows, as well as keeping readers on track as we push towards raising £5k (which incendentally is around ZAR100,000 which also has a nice ring to it)
If you’d like to find out more about the gloveglu association with We Love Football Academy you can visit here
More importantly, if you’d like to donate then visit