30 days in and I thought I’d mix it up a little and throw in a Duathlon! – Bike and run…..well……sort of!
They weren’t back to back, as there were a few hours in between, however I kicked off with a 31km cycle over lunch before tackling my daily 5km early evening run around Lechlade.
The sun shone all day (which was one of the key reasons that I wanted to get out twice) and it’s amazing how different you feel with the sun on your face and being back out on the open road again.
Lechlade this evening was a beautiful, albeit, muddy riverside run.
As the sun set I skirted the Thames for a few km’s…just stunning…
The Corona Virus is on everyone’s mind so its nice to get out and just enjoy one’s surroundings.
The total raised has ticked on the £1523 and the days left have now ticked to just 20!
60% of the way there.
Please keep donating