I think I might have broken the rules!!! 😉
I set out 47 days ago to run 5km every day for 50 days to raise £5k (and to celebrate my 50th year)…but today I ran 10km!!
Actually, to be honest, it was planned for last Sunday at an official 10km event run at Bowood House but, as you would imagine, this got cancelled. However the organisers then opened a window for all participants to run their own 10km, send the results in and then these would be published and medals sent out. So that’s what I’ve done.
Needless to say, after 47 days of training (and having done very few 10km runs in my life) by PD was smashed – more feel good.
Even more feel good is that the donations are rolling in thick and fast as I get to the end of the challenge which is hugely appreciated.
The total raised now stands at £1762 which, under the circumstances, is absolutely fantastic. So thanks to everyone who has donated.
47 days run. Just 3 left!